How to Make White Dye in Minecraft: Materials, Crafting Guide, Uses

  • Bonemeal
  • Lily of the valley
  • Bonemeal:

    Bonemeal can be made by crafting with a bone, dropped by skeleton enemies, or occasionally fished up as junk. 1 bone makes 3 bone meal. Skeleton enemies can spawn like many other mobs, either at night or in dark places like mine shafts. They can also be found from spawners or in nether fortresses. Skeletons drop 0-2 bones upon being eliminated.

    You should run into skeletons often enough in standard play to have plenty of bones to use. Skeleton horses, strays, and wither skeletons all drop bones as well, with the same rate as standard skeletons. This drop amount can be increased by enchanting your sword with any level of Looting. You can also find bones in chests at varying likelihoods in both the Java and Bedrock editions. Lastly, in Bedrock editions, you have a 25% chance of getting 1-2 bones when you kill fish mobs. Salmon, cod, pufferfish, and tropical fish all can drop bones on their death.

    Lily of the valley:

    First, you need to find a lily of the valley in the game. The lily of the valley is commonly found in biomes such as the Birch Forest, Birch Forest Hills, and Flower Forest. Left-click and hold the lily to break it and then store it in your inventory.
